Monday 14 April 2014

The Tower of Barkel

With our infinite arrogance and pride, humankind has always been a boon companion of folly. Recall, if you will, the story of The Tower of Babel. A monument reaching towards the very heavens; designed to rival the work of the Creator itself. In its righteous and divine fury God cast down the tower, scattered humanity to the four winds and deigned that forever more we speak in tongues foreign to each other. What the story neglects to mention however is that it was not only humans that dared defy God's will. It is this tale that I tell you now.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Making rules for life

I've been absolutely obsessed with my looks recently, which, given that my concept of time is extremely poor, means approximately the last 28 years.

Its ranged from the reasonable (maybe I should shave my beard?) to the slightly more radical (perhaps it's time to seriously invest in cravats and a monocle). Now I've even started to draw other people into it. It started off simple, asking friends questions like "Do you think I could pull off pink brogues?" Now it's mutated it forcing random acquaintances to reveal their height and age so I can compare myself more accurately to them.